Productivity is very important to us at CloudCone. We believe that there’s no point in wasting the good time we have in making our brand better for our clients. Therefore to make sure that we always keep up with this value we have a few ways in which we organize and manage everything we do.
Scheduling our tasks

Our Paper-based Calendars
We have realized that scheduling our tasks increases the convenience in completing them by a huge margin. So now we use calendars to plan them. These calendars are not electronic. They’re all printed quite neatly on paper just because we find this easier to deal with. It must be all psychological but we find it motivating to update a calendar by writing rather than typing. So far this has been awesome! We feel that we get a lot more done this way because the calendar makes sure that we don’t idle. The key is having the motivation to stick to the calendar though, but that’s a piece of cake for us because we don’t love idling when it comes to what we do ?
Having great communication

Communication is made easier with Slack
Efficiency is a key factor to make sure that you’re being productive. And one way to make sure that you’re being efficient is by having a great flow of communication. Because we have a round table this is not difficult at all. Everyone gets to have their doubts clarified, problems solved, opinions heard and ideas communicated really fast. We also use Slack. It’s a really fast way to send each other messages and attachments plus it helps us keep in touch constantly with our workmates abroad.
Dedication is the ultimate key to productivity
We are a bunch of people who love our customers so much. So we’re always on the lookout to improve the experience that they have with us. Therefore we always try to find new ways to get through to our customers, make new plans and improve our products.
It’s been great working this way and when we look back we not only have amazing memories to cherish, but also a great lesson on how you can be efficient and productive while having fun and being human all at the same time ?
About The Author: Anu
Content Strategist at CloudCone LLC.
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