We have talked about what dedicated servers are in multiple posts on this blog. However for those of you who still don’t know, a dedicated server is simply a server that is dedicated and exclusive to an individual client. Although it is hosted and managed by a service provider, it is not shared by other clients in any way. Well that’s what makes dedicated servers so awesome. You would no longer have to share things like CPU time, RAM or bandwidth. In other words, your website is online 24/7! So what can a dedicated server be used for?
Things you can do with a dedicated server
Investing a lot of money on a dedicated server is never a waste. There’s a range of different amazing things you can do with a dedicated server.
Host game servers
Kicking this list off we have something rather fun; hosting game servers! These servers provide a great platform to host all sorts of multiplayer game servers and lobbies. What’s great about hosting dedicated game servers is that if your personal machine encounters some problem and you have to reboot the system or close the game, it wouldn’t affect others that are connected to the server. They can continue to play! Some common games that can be hosted on dedicated servers are Minecraft, Counter-Strike and ARK: Survival Evolved.
Host websites

This is a rather common use of dedicated servers and it brings many advantages. Well it can be a website, a blog, a forum or a wiki. Since it’s your own dedicated server there will be fewer forced advertising that you have to deal with. It will also give you wider control of your website and unparalleled speed.
Host communication services
Emails and IRC are the most common uses of dedicated servers when it comes to communication. With IRC or Internet Relay Chats dating all the way back to the 80s it is a popular mode of chat alongside platforms like Facebook Messenger. When it comes to Email, businesses nowadays find it easier to have their own mail server with their own domain name to connect with their clients. That is why having a dedicated server proves a great alternative to using free email services such a Gmail and Hotmail.
Host a personal data sync service
With a number of data security and privacy issues going around most of you would be relieved to hear the idea of being able to deploy your own personal data sync service. What’s so great about it is that it allows you to sync data across multiple channels without having to encounter privacy issues.
Donate an unused server
Folding@Home is a project by Stanford University that lest you donate your unused server to the world’s largest distributed supercomputer. Their aim is to find a cure for diseases like Alzheimers disease and Parkinson’s syndrome. Presently they have acquired the computing power of 80,000 teraflops! This is a rather unique and amazing way to make use of your server.
Host your own web analytics server
If you opt for hosting your very own analytics server, you could embrace loads of benefits! One of them is that with a self hosted web analytics server you get full control of all your data. It is possible for you to constantly keep an eye over your data since it’s stored on your own server and you have the power to manage access to it. There’s also the benefit of greater scalability. With analytics, it’s important to make sure that your server could be adjusted to match your requirements.
See why dedicated servers are so great? It’s so exciting to own one since the options for what you can do with them are endless. If you own a business dedicated servers can be used to boost its growth in multiple creative ways. Good luck and have fun! Reach out to us if you have any concerns, suggestions or general feedback.
About The Author: Anu
Content Strategist at CloudCone LLC.
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